Mirrored image of the Centennial Bridge

Mirrored image of the Centennial Bridge
One frosty and very still morning in November, 2010, Centennial Bridge, Miramichi, NB, Canada

About Me

My photo
Miramichi, NB, Canada
Spiritual,fun loving,hard working


Hay Island, Neguac, New Brunswick, Canada

Hay Island, Neguac, New Brunswick, Canada
Reflections in the water

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Middle Island, Miramichi, NB

I searched in vain for some sepia pictures depicting something relating to the theme for this week, but could find none.  I did, however, chose these pictures of a day at the beach on Middle Island, Miramichi, NB, with a colleague and her two daughters.  This was taken a couple of summers ago, we followed up with a picnic, it was a gorgeous day!

Hope you enjoyed this pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.  For more pictures of themelike or unthemelike pictures, go to www.sepiasaturday.blogspot.com  Happy SepiaSaturday to all other Sepians out there!!!!   :)


  1. Lovely photos, never mind that they are not sepia :-)

  2. What darling girls! I'd be taking a bunch of pictures of them too. And Jo's right - old or new doesn't matter. A picture is a picture and worth a thousand words. Nice post.

  3. What cuties! My girls dress up like that too!

  4. Very arty; the girls could be models for a clothes catalogue! Delightful pictures Rosie.

  5. Little girls, hats, umbrellas, and beaches are a good combination.

  6. How wonderful! Life is always great at the beach!

  7. Looks right on theme to me -- beaches! And what cute girls...all dressed up!

  8. striking phtos any way and on the beach too...looks odd to me to see the girl in black.

    1. The dress is not black, although it looks it. It was actually plum velvet.

  9. Excellent choice and lovely models too.

  10. Beautiful photos and great memories

  11. Lovely shots of the two girls. Looks like you had a very relaxing day.

  12. Was that a velvet dress? It's certainly a surprise to see little girls so dressed up for the beach. Love the pansy umbrella.

    1. @Wendy, it was a planned photo shoot, I asked them to wear their favorite dresses, so that was their choice. They had bathing suits underneath and took to the water after, then we had a picnic.

  13. Delightful photographs and definitely worth featuring on S.S. I particularly liked the one of the girls with their backs to the camera, but engrossed in the water. - a winner.

  14. All so very pretty. I wouldn;t mind a umbrella with flowers like that to cheer me up in the bad weather. Mine just has a border of cats. All very grey and back. Great post.

    1. Yes, I just simply love that umbrella, even if it is cloudy and rainy, when I look up, it is always bright!!!

  15. They would be the belles on any beach.
