Mirrored image of the Centennial Bridge

Mirrored image of the Centennial Bridge
One frosty and very still morning in November, 2010, Centennial Bridge, Miramichi, NB, Canada

About Me

My photo
Miramichi, NB, Canada
Spiritual,fun loving,hard working


Hay Island, Neguac, New Brunswick, Canada

Hay Island, Neguac, New Brunswick, Canada
Reflections in the water

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

SepiaSaturday, November 17,, 2012

I had no old snaps but came across this one of my grandaughter, who at the time, was not even two years old, flipping through the pages of a magazine.  Her mother was in the other room and thought she was exceptionally quiet while she was having a snack.  She peeked around the corner and saw Katie Rose flipping through the pages and seemed very interested in what she was looking at.  Her mother and father are avid readers, so I guess it robbed off on her.

Look up http://sepiasaturday.blogspot.com for more interesting photos.  Happy SepiaSaturday everyone!!


  1. She looks as interested as the students in the prompt but I bet she really is. All she needs is a plaid jacket :-D

  2. I hope she keeps on reading, even if it was only to preserve the future of book shops. But with her parents she is off to a good start!

  3. Oh this is wonderful! Reading is so important-and not to forget FUN!

  4. Smart parents to leave reading materials around for curious little wannabe readers.

  5. Always good to get an early start! Sweet picture.

  6. Your family must be avid readers. And children sure learn by example! Cute photo!

  7. Children can't start too early and it's so much better if they can get involved by themselves. Cute grandaughter.

  8. I agree cannot start too early to model the reading habit. I am an avid reader. We have 6 children and 5 are avid readers. The one that doesn't read is obsessed with house cleaning. She is always cleaning her house or someone else's. Darling child there.

  9. Cute snapshot, I think I learned to read by age 4 and our son did so or earlier....we all loved to read I wonder if it rubs off or is inherited

  10. Long may the fascination with the printed page continue.
