Mirrored image of the Centennial Bridge

Mirrored image of the Centennial Bridge
One frosty and very still morning in November, 2010, Centennial Bridge, Miramichi, NB, Canada

About Me

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Miramichi, NB, Canada
Spiritual,fun loving,hard working


Hay Island, Neguac, New Brunswick, Canada

Hay Island, Neguac, New Brunswick, Canada
Reflections in the water

Friday, November 2, 2012

SepiaSaturday, November 3, 2012

This is a picture of a baseball team from Boiestown, New Brunswick, Canada.  Boiestown is the geographical center of the province of New Brunswick. It boasts a lumberman museum, complete with a little train that takes you in and around the woods.  I found these men looking pretty gallant in their suits, obviously they did not dress like this to play ball. People took "picture taking" quite serious back then!!! For more variety and interesting pictures, go to http://sepiasaturday.blogspot.com


  1. They give me the impression that they were having fun with the photographer, especially the man on the right with his hands folded. I'm betting they were out for some fun!

  2. I am not very good at baseball history but are the players wearing the baseball cap of those days? Or are those just part of their "gala dress"?

  3. Those hats are not baseball caps (per se); must be part of an organization of some kind -- a school, perhaps? They certainly are a bunch of "swells," aren't they?

  4. I'll admit my knowledge of baseball is a bit thin. May I take it from your photo that there are 11 people in a baseball team. Smart hats.

  5. Love their hats, suits, and attitude.

  6. I recognize the equipment some are holding. Nice photo!

  7. They do all look as if they worked hard at striking those poses, and the caps are perfect!

  8. Nice photo. Those hats remind me of sailor hats. It's also interesting that they seem to be looking in different directions, and not all together at the camera.

  9. The two men with moustaches are taking it seriously, I guess they are ready to play (or to start drinking).

  10. Interesting caps. I have some photos of a group of Swedish men all wearing similar hats. In one shot it's a choir, the other a sports team.

  11. Photographs were such rare and expensive undertakings, I suppose to have your photograph taken in anything other than your Sunday best would feel like a waste of money. Great picture Rosie.
